September Luncheon
The CEPC is happy to announce our September luncheon speakers. Ian Vincent, Chair of the Charlotte County Public School Board, will be our guest speaker along with Sue Sifrit, former Board member for CCPS and current co-chair of the November general ballot issue regarding school reform tax. Ian and Sue will discuss the Novemer educational ballot measure.
The Charlotte County School Board will have a referendum on the November 2018 General Election Ballot for a 1 mil increase in property taxes ($1.00 additional tax per $1000 value on the property tax, less the $25,000 Homestead Exemption). The money raised would be used for a competitive compensation package for employees, additional instructional time and student success advancement initiatives, such as additional reading and math coaches, enhancing visual and performing arts, athletics and strengthened workforce development.
Please RSVP to this event and elect your meal choice. See you there....Mary, Nancy, Colleen, Ryan, Terry